What Would Happen if a Baby Swallowed Sewing Needles

To find yourself in a dangerous situation, it is not at all necessary to engage in extreme tourism or to have another risky hobby. Sometimes troubles lie in wait for us at home, among the usual things. For example, if you swallow a needle, what will happen to the body, how will it cope with a foreign object? The situation seems silly enough to anyone in their right mind to swallow such an object, but life sometimes proves that it is possible.

How can you eat a needle?

Most often this happens by accident. Small children do not know that this is dangerous, they can pull a shiny thing into their mouths out of curiosity. Adults inadvertently swallow sharp objects. The most harmful habit in this case is to hold small sharp objects with your lips while working.

Men swallow small nails, screws or self-tapping screws during all kinds of carpentry work, furniture repair. Women-seamstresses can hold pins and needles with their lips - this allows them to free their hands, and at the same time keep the little things necessary for sewing in close proximity. Of course, these are violations of the simplest safety measures.

Few people think at the same time - if they swallow a needle, what will happen? How much will the treatment cost? Is the saved minute worth the risk? Problems can be easily avoided without putting yourself at unnecessary risk.

What to do after swallowing the needle?

If you were careless or a sharp object got into your mouth as a result of a tragic accident, which also cannot be ruled out, first of all you need to remain calm. Never try to induce vomiting or act as if foreign body in the respiratory tract is a completely different problem.

If you swallow a needle, what happens? Will she start migrating through the body wherever she pleases? The most common horror story is that the needle will definitely reach the heart and pierce it, because it will be attracted like a magnet. To ensure that it reaches the heart after swallowing, too many factors must coincide to be considered a high risk. Nevertheless, such a development of events is possible.

You can't be nervous, make sudden movements. Best case scenario: gently lie down and call ambulance... After transportation to the hospital, an X-ray will be done to find out exactly where the needle is: in the esophagus or has already safely entered the stomach. The operation is prescribed on the condition that the evacuation of a foreign sharp object in a natural way is impossible. The patient is prescribed a special diet - a viscous porridge protects the walls of the esophagus and stomach, there is approximately 80% chance that the needle will come out with feces.

If a child swallows a needle

All the above recommendations are also valid for the baby, but there is one important caveat. Fear has large eyes: in about half of the cases, the X-ray either does not detect the needle inside the child, or it is on the collar, on the sleeve, in the bib. But doctors advise against self-comfort. If it seems to you that the child has swallowed something sharp, it is better to be known as an alarmist than to waste precious time.

It is very difficult, but you will not only have to demonstrate calmness, but also console the baby. It is important that he not be nervous, but also not let him run, jump and indulge. While waiting for the doctor, read a book to your child, or ask the doctor where to bring the little patient - perhaps this will be faster. If you swallow a needle, what happens? Of course, there is a certain risk. But in most cases everything ends well.

How to help pets

Cats and dogs become victims of the owner's negligence. If the needle is lying on the floor, the animal may accidentally pick it up, start playing with the thread and, as a result, treat itself to an unpleasant sharp object. Outside domestic dog can become a victim of doghunters - sometimes they throw not poisoned meat, but minced meat stuffed with needles.

If a dog or cat has swallowed a needle, then the unfortunate animal will not be able to tell you about it. The animal may swallow painfully, if the esophagus is injured, vomiting may open, and this significantly increases the risk of additional trauma. At the slightest suspicion, you need to take your pet to a veterinarian, an X-ray will help to diagnose and prescribe a competent treatment - an operation or, as in the case of people, a special diet to ensure the needle comes out naturally.

Important Symptoms: Listen to Yourself!

"But I don't feel anything!" - this is a common comment. In the minds of people, terrible excruciating pains begin immediately. But if you swallow the needle, the symptoms may not appear. Painful sensations appear only when tissues are damaged, and it is not immediately possible to determine the origin and localization of sensations.

Typical pain may appear if the needle tip enters a nerve node, or pierces the wall of the esophagus, stomach or intestines and begins to migrate through the body. If you have any suspicions, it is best to ask your doctor for an X-ray referral.

Recovery period and precautions

The postoperative period, if surgery was required, implies the implementation of the recommendations of doctors. What to do if you swallow a needle, but it moves safely along digestive system to the exit? You shouldn't interfere with your body, so it's best to stick to a sensible diet. The viscous porridge has proven itself to be a wonderful remedy for swallowing occasional sharp objects or glass shards.

Experience with removing a needle or other dangerous object from the body usually becomes a great motivation for observing safety rules. Magnetic pin beds and a tidy workplace significantly reduce the risk of accidentally getting needles or nails into the esophagus.

Accidentally swallowing a needle is not very common, but the attending physicians still have to examine patients who have become victims of such an accident from time to time. According to them, in such a situation, there are several scenarios for further events.

What happens if you swallow a needle

Doctors noted that it is impossible to predict the end result of such an oversight with 100 percent certainty.

"In the most dangerous case, the swallowed needle will enter the lung or heart with the bloodstream and make a hole there, which without surgical intervention will lead to death, "- experts presented the most tragic version.

Death from a puncture of a lung or heart with a needle is not a necessary outcome. But if a needle piercing the tissue causes inflammatory processwho does not receive proper treatment, the consequences can indeed be severe, for example, part of the lung will have to be removed, or cardiac arrest will occur, the health workers specified.

But provided that the swallowed needle enters the stomach, the likelihood of a successful outcome is very high, doctors are encouraging. "The needle will most likely come out with feces. In 80% of cases, a sharp object from the stomach is excreted from the body in this way, "they explained.

The experts added that the location of the needle inside the body is detected using X-rays. Doctors categorically do not recommend getting a swallowed object on their own: such attempts can pose an immediate threat to life. All that needs to be done, according to them, is just to seek medical help.

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Oddly enough, it is not that rare that someone swallows a needle. It is enough to look at the stands in the surgical departments, in which the objects taken out of the patients are kept. Of course, an adult in his right mind and normal state will not swallow a needle, but many women like to keep a pin in their mouth or a needle when sewing. And the needle on the floor is a godsend for an inquisitive child and an energetic pet.

What happens if you swallow a needle

If you suddenly sewed, and then forgot that you have a tool in your mouth and, swallowing, sneezing, snorting, laughing, swallowed a needle, immediately call an ambulance. This is unambiguous. Until the ambulance arrives, you cannot:

  • trying to induce vomiting with fingers or drugs,
  • pounding on the back or chest.

The main thing is not to be alarmed and do not make convulsive movements of the throat. It is quite possible that the needle will simply get stuck in the upper part of the esophagus, like a fishbone and a visiting doctor will immediately pull it out in place.

The needle may well pierce the esophagus, especially if it is a sharp and narrow number, and go towards the lung or heart. However, folk horror stories about needles wandering around the human body are usually no more than stories. The needle often remains in muscle tissues, growing into them, where it can remain even for a lifetime, sometimes without causing disorders. This is if the process is not accompanied by inflammation. The sharpest needle remaining in the tissues will move for the time being, at the most insignificant distance. Usually, needles can only move seriously through a vein or caught in a large cavity, for example, the abdominal cavity. Most often, this is the prerogative of injection needles.

The needle is most likely to get stuck in the narrowed area of \u200b\u200bthe esophagus and cause pain. Then you will be taken to the hospital, x-rayed and her location determined. It often happens that the needle goes to the stomach and there is such a possibility that it can come out with the feces through the intestines, but the risk is still not worth it. Persistent retention of the needle in the stomach or intestines can lead to very serious consequences. The needle can pierce the wall of the stomach or intestines, which is dangerous for infection and peritonitis. Therefore, when swallowing needles, you must immediately call an ambulance.

What to do if a child swallows a needle

If a child swallows a needle, call an ambulance. It is not at all necessary that the baby will be operated on. Most often, if the needle is not stuck in the esophagus, but has passed into the stomach, then this is not scary - it will come out naturally, even if it is a needle. In the hospital all this time, the child will be under medical supervision. 4 days is a critical period during which any item must come out naturally.

What to do if a dog or cat swallows a needle

If a pet swallowed foreign object and it is stuck in the mouth, you will notice it by the profuse drooling. The animal tries to reach it with its paw on its own, rubs this place. Most often, you can get the needle out of the mouth yourself with two tweezers. If the needle has passed into the esophagus, any sudden movements must be excluded, because the needle can pierce the esophagus or stomach. The animal should be allowed to swallow a piece of cotton wool soaked in oil and given mucous porridge: oatmeal or semolina. A passive laxative can be given to speed up the process. Usually the needle comes out in a cotton ball with feces. If the needle does not come out, it makes sense to show your pet to the doctor to take an x-ray. A needle remaining inside can cause necrosis of the surrounding tissues or their perforation.

Some people are bursting with questions like: "What if?" What happens if you swallow a needle is not on the list of the most frequently asked questions, but the answer to it is better known. In an emergency, there will be no time to search for information, the victim will immediately begin to provide first aid, and only then they will try to find out how to do it correctly.

What to do if you swallow a needle?

It is necessary to decide what we will do in the first seconds after we find that the needle has gone down the esophagus.

It's even more important to know what should not be done in any case:

  1. The needle has only one sharp end and it will move only in its direction, under the influence of gravity. To complicate the task of a piece of metal inside you, it is enough to change the position of your body, lie down on the nearest sofa or bed.
  2. Do not do it abruptly and hastily; in general, you will have to give up too energetic movements. Any concussion can "push" the needle to find a new path in the insides, nothing good will end.
  3. The situation described may not greatly contribute to calmness, but you will have to maintain your composure until the ambulance arrives. You need to call it immediately, warning about your problem.
  4. It remains to wait for the brigade, answer a few questions and agree to hospitalization.

Actions in a hospital setting when a needle is swallowed

All further manipulations will be performed by medical workers, you remain in the role of an observer, very much interested in a positive outcome:

  • You will be taken to the nearest gastroenterology department.
  • There they will also write out a referral for X-ray examination, it will be carried out using a contrast agent.
  • There is nothing terrible in the introduction of contrast into the body and receiving a light dose of radiation, you now have another burning problem.
  • If you managed to apply in time and the needle is still in the stomach, consider yourself a lucky person.
  • They will extract it using FGS ( fibrogastroscopy). We'll have to be patient while probing.
  • Doubtful people and simply those who decide to call the ambulance for a long time are usually less lucky, the needle is evacuated into the intestines. It is still possible to extract it, but with the help of surgical intervention.

The intestines are not a haystack, but the search can be delayed. In such conditions, cosmetic or pinpoint scars are usually out of the question, sometimes the incision goes through the entire abdomen.

If a child swallows a needle.

Here and for an adult you worry, what to say about the child. But they swallow nails, needles, pen caps and other small things with enviable regularity. This is due to the fact that a baby has a predominant food reflex until a certain age... Everything new must be tasted and the final verdict must be made - edible or not.

And the next check may end with a visit to the hospital, this is at best. Everyone has heard that a baby who has swallowed a small object should be laid on his stomach, tilted his head down a little and knock on the back. It is also advised to clasp in the lower back and press on the stomach so that under pressure a foreign object flew out of the respiratory tract. If an object gets into the stomach, it would be most logical to induce vomiting, as they do in case of any poisoning.

But this logic wrong, because it does not take into account one small nuance in the form of a sharp needle pole. Passing through the tissues, it will violate their integrity, a piece of metal will rush to new organs. And the puncture will not go anywhere, you should not forget about inflammation and bleeding.

The method of action almost does not differ from that of an adult, the main thing is calm and immobilize the child ... Any abrupt changes in body position will not benefit your baby's health.

Esophagus or trachea?

It turns out that the needle can enter either the stomach or the lungs.



It can pass along the entire tract without violating the integrity of the walls and exit naturally.

There can be no question of any natural way out. Coughing up the needle will not work.

In case of bowel perforation, it will abdominal cavity, can damage internal organs and numerous blood vessels.

It usually remains in the lower lobe, where it causes inflammation due to damage to the walls and the introduction of infection from the outside.

Removal without surgical intervention is possible.

Most often, a lobe of the lung is removed. Bronchosonation and bronchoscopy are possible.

For obvious reasons it is preferable to pass the needle through the esophagus... But why do operations if there is a possibility of solving the problem in a natural way. Perhaps you saw in the pictures the structure of the intestine and imagine all these loops that go at an angle to one another. The likelihood that a sharpened piece of metal will perfectly pass all these bends and turns under the influence of gravity is not so high.

What's wrong with the penetration of a sharp thing into the abdominal cavity? Nothing like that, if you forget about the abdominal aorta and all other vessels and organs.

This video shows a man accidentally swallowing a sewing needle, which he had to endure:

Is there a risk to the heart?

Since childhood, everyone is frightened by the fact that once it gets into the body, the needle will surely reach the heart and kill. This again seems logical, because all the blood in the body flows through the heart, which means that the needle through the vessels can enter the heart and stop its work once and for all.

Here only one question is brewing - how a few centimeters of metal will get into this very vessel? We did not inject them into a vein, but swallowed them, and what does the circulatory system have to do with it?


  1. The vessels really provide blood supply to all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. They are found both in the stomach wall and in the intestinal wall.
  3. In some areas, the network is especially dense.
  4. Approaching the vessel, the needle will rather pierce it than enter the cavity.
  5. Very bad luck with the angle of entry.

All this does not mean that the threat can be written off. The probability tends to zero, but not zero. Sometimes the needle is actually found already in the vascular bed and then every minute is important before the operation.

Most often, the matter is limited internal bleeding from an open vessel, the amount of blood loss depends on the pressure and blood volume in it.

Swallowed a needle: can I avoid surgery?

Most often, they try to avoid surgery to remove the needle from the intestine, especially when it comes to children. Coating agents are used, most effectively rich oatmeal ... If previously swallow a few cotton balls dipped in petroleum jelly, the chances of a successful outcome increase.

A needle wandering in the body is a myth; most often it gets stuck in muscle tissue, and it remains there for many years. Inflammation of the tissues and corrosion of the metal force an extraction operation, and the needle itself will constantly move under gravity towards the sharp end. And it is not yet known to which vessel or nerve this movement will lead her.

What happens if you swallow a needle depends on your luck and the speed of going to the emergency room. But emotional experiences for the next 24 hours are guaranteed.

Needle swallowing video

Before discussing anything, remember: if someone swallowed a needle, go to the hospital for an X-ray urgently! And it doesn't matter if it's a child, an adult or a pet. There is a possibility - hurry to the doctor, do not let it go, because the consequences of delay can be terrible. And only if doctors are out of your reach, and it will take too long to wait for help, you should consider some other options. What to do if you swallow a needle and it is far from the hospital

In such a situation, it is necessary to reduce physical activity to a minimum, so as not to provoke a fatal "ukolchik". Also, sudden movements and inclinations are contraindicated. Ordinary urgent care, used when something undesirable enters the body, is not suitable in the case of a needle. This means that the victim: Do not induce vomiting; you can't knock on chest; and even more so, you should not press sharply on the stomach, in the hope that the needle will pop out by itself. In addition, if a child has swallowed the needle, then it does not need to be turned over and shaken.

What can happen if you swallow a needle? It is impossible to predict the final result of swallowing a needle with 100% certainty. But there are several scenarios according to which events usually develop. In the most dangerous case, the swallowed needle will enter the lung or heart and make a hole there, which will lead to death without surgery.

Of course, death will not come instantly (although in some cases everything happens extremely quickly - within a few hours), but the inflammation provoked by the needle will ultimately lead to either the loss of part of the lung (with a delayed operation), or death (if without doctors). The location of the needle inside the body is detected using an X-ray. And if a lung or heart is damaged, then immediate intervention of surgeons is needed. If the needle reaches the stomach, then the probability of a successful natural outcome (in the literal sense) is 80%. That is, the needle will most likely come out with feces. True, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare forced in most cases to perform an operation to remove excess metal from the body. How to remove a swallowed needle from the body - a folk method

So, the recipe is close to the one used in ancient times: take 1-2 grams of cotton wool, moisten it in vaseline oil (not petroleum jelly!) And swallow it, after a while eat a plate or two of oatmeal or semolina. If there is no vaseline oil, then it is better to exclude cotton wool from the "treatment" altogether - the enveloping action of the porridge should be enough. With a favorable course of the "disease", the needle comes out from 2 hours to 3 days. Therefore, either try to get to the doctor within this time, or be patient.

What to do if a needle is swallowed by a dog or cat Pets demand the same as people. That is, you need a veterinarian and an X-ray, and then there is either an operation or enveloping cereals and liquid paraffin. A laxative should not be given, because its action is fraught with damage to the gastrointestinal tract. By the way, if it seems to you that a cat or dog has swallowed a needle, this does not mean that it is so. Often the needle gets stuck in the palate or throat. True, this does not affect the aid scheme in any way. Now you know what happens if you swallow a needle. Try to get it right.

For reference: children swallow needles 3-4 times more often than adults, and in animals, such a nuisance is almost the norm.

What Would Happen if a Baby Swallowed Sewing Needles

Source: https://aroundsmoke.ru/en/chto-delat-esli-rebenok-proglotil-igolku-chto-budet-esli-proglotit-igolku/

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