What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Symptoms in Children, Adults

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that affects ability to communicate and collaborate socially.
  • It is characterized by repetitive behaviors or linguistic communication, and restricted interests.
  • ASD occurs on a continuum of severity from mild challenges to difficulty with everyday life.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurobiological disorder that is characterized by difficulty communicating verbally and relating socially to others, alongside a need to engage in repetitive behaviors or language. Some common early on signs noted past parents are delayed speech, restricted interests, not responding when called by proper noun, and avoiding eye contact.

ASD occurs on a broad continuum of severity. Some people with ASD experience but mild challenges. For others, the condition interferes with everyday life.

Approximately 1 in 68 children in the U.S. has ASD, which is about 4.five times more common among boys than girls. One study institute that children with ADHD are up to 20 times more than probable to exhibit some signs to ASD than are their neurotypical peers. Early on detection and treatment using a combination of educational and behavioral interventions, medication, and alternative therapies is critical to the social, bookish, and professional success of people with ASD.

Read on to learn more than about ASD and how to treat it with therapy and medication. Consult with a dr. if yous recognize the symptoms beneath in yourself or your child.

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What Are The Three Main Characteristics or Symptoms of Autism?

Autism is generally characterized by social and advice difficulties and by repetitive behaviors. More astringent forms of ASD are often diagnosed in the outset two years of a child's life, but less astringent forms may be diagnosed later, when developmental delays get credible. Symptoms occur in iii main areas, and may vary as children grow:

  • Social interactions
  • Verbal and nonverbal advice
  • Repetitive or ritualistic behaviors

People with autism can be high functioning and have only balmy challenges, or they tin have more than astringent symptoms, like impaired spoken language, that interfere with everyday life. No two people with ASD will take the same symptoms manifested in the aforementioned fashion.

Children with autism don't intuitively grasp the social world, and their social skills may lag behind those of other children. This often becomes axiomatic during play and advice. They have limited imaginative play skills, accept things literally, and may not use gestures to communicate. Equally they get older, they may learn these skills though their autism diagnosis remains intact.

ASD is typically a lifelong status, though a pocket-sized percentage of children outgrow the diagnosis. Therapy, fifty-fifty started late in life, may take major benefits in addressing behaviors such equally:

  • Difficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling
  • Trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, or social cues
  • Difficulty regulating emotion
  • Trouble keeping up a conversation
  • Inflection that does not reflect feelings

Adults can showroom repetitive behaviors and accept specific, farthermost interests in detail topics like sports teams or scientific discipline. These interests may border on obsessions.

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What Are The 3 Types of Autism?

Until recently, the Centers for Disease Command recognized 3 principal types of ASD:

  • Asperger Syndrome: Previously used to describe children with average cerebral skills who struggled with social and communication impairments of any severity. This was a milder, college-functioning form of autism that included intense, unusual interests. Information technology is now sometimes referred to as Social Advice Disorder.
  • Autistic Disorder/Autism: Previously used to describe children with more than severe impairments who struggled with social and communication delays, early language delays, and repetitive or obsessive behaviors.
  • Pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS): Previously used as a grab-all term for social-advice concerns that didn't fit neatly into either of the other 2 boxes above. Information technology implied milder symptoms.

The term "Asperger Syndrome" was dropped from the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. These diagnostic guidelines were updated to eliminate the divisions higher up and to introduce the autism "spectrum," along with a patient may balmy, moderate, or severe symptoms.

Many parents and physicians continue to use the quondam labels, which is of import to consider when researching the condition. For more information on the label changes, read: "Moving Past the 'Asperger Syndrome' Label."

How Are Autism and ADHD Related?

ASD can be a stand up-alone disorder, or it may coexist with other disorders. 1 report institute that children with ADHD are up to xx times more likely to showroom some signs of ASD than are their neurotypical peers1. Autism is mostly characterized by social and communication difficulties, and past repetitive behaviors. ADHD is marked by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, though social challenges are often function of the ADHD equation every bit well.

To differentiate ADHD from ASD, many clinicians piece of work to make up one's mind whether weak social skills derive from an executive-function impairment or from a cleaved or missing developmental building block. For instance, is a child having difficulty taking turns because he simply wants to play next, or because he doesn't grasp the nature of the game?

It'south important to separate difficulties that mimic autism from actual symptoms. Early detection and handling of the correct status are crucial. A professional who is familiar with ASD, ADHD, and other similar neurological atmospheric condition can use clinical skill and experience to notice the true source of a patient's challenges.

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i Dennis Thompson. "More Links Seen Between Autism, ADHD." HealthDay. (2013). Web. (http://consumer.healthday.com/kids-health-information-23/attention-deficit-disorder-adhd-news-50/more-links-seen-between-autism-adhd-679518.html)

What Causes Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Research studies show that babyhood vaccinations exercise not crusade ASD.

However, the exact cause of ASD remains unknown. Most physicians agree it is a result of abnormalities in encephalon structure or function, observed when comparing the MRIs of children with autism to those of neurotypical children1. Research teams are studying a number of theories, including hereditary risk, the touch on of genetics, and other medical bug.

Some studies accept shown that a kid with an older sibling with ASD is at a higher risk for an ASD diagnosistwo. Other research suggests that certain environmental factors, such as iron deficiency in the womb or while breast feeding3 or maternal infections/medications during the pre- and perinatal phaseiv accept a deep bear upon on the occurrence of ASD. Another study suggests specific cistron mutations could influence the development of ASDfive.

The "Magical World Theory" proposes that people with ASD struggle to put into context the events they experience or observe6. In other words, they cannot determine what happened before an event to cause it, or make predictions about what might occur as a issue. The researchers behind this theory posit that this deficiency taxes the encephalon, making it constantly overwhelmed with analyzing a seemingly cluttered environment. Considering of this ceaseless demand for ascertainment and problem solving, people with ASD experience heightened feet due to endless dubiousness and hypersensitivity. These scientists believe that the autistic brain cannot become "used to" certain touches, facial expressions, sights, and sounds in the same way a neurotypical brain tin can. Information technology cannot prioritize the stimuli, and thus it is constantly hypervigilant, and overly sensitive to also-tight wear or also-loud sounds.

ASD is a condition in which people practice non learn social skills inside typical developmental milestones7. This can present every bit express interaction with the people around them, difficulty interpreting facial expressions or tone of vocalization, or limited language. Children with ASD may have delayed linguistic communication skills, exist completely nonverbal, or have unusual conversation habits similar repeating phrases. Others volition speak at length in an advanced vocabulary well-nigh a favorite topic, merely have limited skills with taking turns in conversations. Repetitive behaviors can range from a move like paw-flapping, made over and over, to becoming preoccupied with having objects in a certain order or a strict routine.

Autism may manifest as other worrisome behaviors – like emotional outbursts or self-injurious behaviors like head banging or hair pulling. These could appear equally cocky-soothing mechanisms used when a person with ASD is overwhelmed, or they could be an obsessive tic. The behaviors' cause is unknown, and they are not always present with an ASD diagnosis. Treatment tailored to severity of symptoms can assist alleviate difficulties and brand it easier for people with ASD to learn social skills, communicate, and command repetitive behaviors.

ASD unremarkably co-occurs with other medical conditions including ADHD, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, feet, frail X syndrome, slumber dysfunction, pica and seizure disorders like epilepsy. Often, symptoms overlap with other atmospheric condition, making ASD tricky to diagnose.

ane"Well-nigh Autism – Causes." ADDitude mag. (2015). Web. (http://www.autism-society.org/what-is/causes/)

2Janice Rodden. "New Study: Vaccines Don't Cause Autism." Autism Society. (2015). Web. (https://www.additudemag.com/new-study-vaccines-dont-crusade-autism/)

3Devon Frye. "Prenatal Iron Intake Linked to Autism." ADDitude magazine. (2014). Web. (https://www.additudemag.com/prenatal-iron-intake-linked-to-autism/)

4Wayne Kalyn. "Prenatal Iron Intake Linked to Autism." ADDitude mag. (2014). Web. (https://www.additudemag.com/prenatal-iron-intake-linked-to-autism/)

5Janice Rodden. "New Link Establish Betwixt Factor Mutation, Working Memory, and Autism." ADDitude magazine. (2015). Web. (https://world wide web.additudemag.com/new-link-found-between-factor-mutation-working-memory-and-autism/)

half-dozenJanice Rodden. "Living in an Unpredictable World: Researching the Root of Autism." ADDitude magazine. (2014). Web. (https://www.additudemag.com/living-in-an-unpredictable-globe-researching-the-root-of-autism/)

7Mark Bertin. "Autism and ADHD: The Complete Playbook for Social Challenges." ADDitude magazine. (2015). Web. (https://www.additudemag.com/autism-and-adhd/)

How and When Is Autism Diagnosed?

If you lot recognize the signs of ASD in yous or your child, don't waste fourth dimension in locating a knowledgeable physician to perform an evaluation. Early on intervention therapy is one of the about effective treatments for ASD.

No lab examination can diagnose ASD; symptoms are extremely wide and unique to each individual. Because some symptoms overlap with ADHD, diagnosing and separating the disorders can be hard. The protocol for diagnosing ASD requires an autism-specific behavior evaluation conducted by a qualified professional person like a developmental pediatrician, psychiatrist, or neurologist.

Beginning, a physician will screen for symptoms that indicate ASD, using a diagnostic tool. The Modified Checklist of Autism in Toddlers (M-Chat) and its series of informative questions can bespeak if a child's behaviors merit evaluation. So, the medico will probable observe y'all or your child and talk to yous about developmental, social interaction, and communication skills. Boosted diagnostic tools include the Screening Tool for Autism in 2-Yr-Olds (STAT) and the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) for children four years of age and olderane. For high-functioning autism, the common screeners are the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ), the Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST), and the Australian Scale for Asperger's Syndrome1.

If the screening tools point ASD, a diagnostic evaluation involving a psychologist, neurologist, spoken communication therapists, and other professionals who are experts in ASD will begin. Typically, information technology volition involve genetic testing, neurologic exams, and interviews with caregivers that may utilize the Autism Diagnosis Interview-Revised (ADI-R) or the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-G)1. The dr. should also evaluate your child for other weather similar hearing disorders, which could be causing similar symptoms.

Most insurance companies, and near all public schools, require a written evaluation by a specialist before they will provide, or pay for, the services that many autistic children demand. Even when a professional person ventures an stance, he will often hedge by saying, "The kid is quirky and exhibits some behaviors that are somewhat consequent with a diagnosis of a high-performance autism." This kind of talk is frustrating, but it's sometimes unavoidable. Evaluating the child at a subsequently date often clarifies things. A kid who is receiving the assistance he needs may not require a diagnosis, but many patients detect relief in knowing the medical reason for their struggles.

1National Found of Mental Health. "How Autism is Diagnosed." PsychCentral. (2013). Spider web. (http://psychcentral.com/lib/how-autism-is-diagnosed/)

What Are the Treatment Options for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

There are three master types of handling for ASD:

  • Educational and behavioral interventions
  • Medication
  • Culling therapies

Almost clinicians prefer to begin with not-medical therapies to manage the symptoms that hinder social and academic success and pb to a turbulent home life. Behavioral therapy and early-intervention therapy both aid children learn new skills to meliorate translate the world with the challenges of ASD.

When these interventions aren't sufficient, medication may assistance. A class of medicines called singular antipsychotics ofttimes helps with motor restlessness, repetitive behaviors, and sleep disturbances in children with autism. Typical prescriptions include aripiprazole (Abilify), quetiapine fumarate (Seroquel), and risperidone (Risperdal, which is the only one approved by the FDA for treating behaviors associated with autism.

Many people with chronic conditions like ASD supplement traditional therapies and medications with culling treatments, though their effectiveness is not well researched. Parents of children with ASD and adults with the status should consult with a medico before taking any supplements or trying whatsoever alternative treatment methods.

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Autism Spectrum Disorder At a Glance

Comorbidity with ADHD · About one third of children with ASD also meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD.
· Children with ADHD are 20 times more likely to exhibit some signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder than neurotypical peers.
Suggestive Symptoms · Delayed speech and learning gestures
· Trend to avert eye contact
· Difficulty imitating the deportment of others
· Preference for solitary play
· Failure to respond to social cues
· Failure to seek condolement when upset
·  Trouble understanding the perspective of others
· Trouble creating sentences
· Tendency to repeat words or phrases
· Arranging objects in a detail order
· Repetitive behaviors like twirling or rocking
· Wiggling fingers or flapping hands
·In adults, lack of understanding of facial expressions, body language, or social cues; difficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling; inflection that does not reverberate feelings; difficulty regulating emotion
Professional to See Diagnosis and treatment should be conducted by a qualified developmental and behavioral pediatrician, child and adolecent psychiatrist, or neurologist.
Treatments & Medications · Behavioral therapy for children coupled with parent-training
· Atypical neuroleptics including aripiprazole (Abilify), quetiapine fumarate (Seroquel), and risperidone (Risperdal)
Recommended Resources · autismspeaks.org
· autism.com
· Autism Spectrum Disorder,by Chantal Sicile-Kira
· Early Intervention and Autism,past James Ball, Ed.D.
· Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew,past Ellen Notbohm
· The Autistic Brain, past Temple Grandin
· The Reason I Leap, past Naoki Higashida
· Life, Blithe, by Ron Suskind


Source: https://www.additudemag.com/what-is-autism-spectrum-disorder-asd/

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