What Does It Mean if He Says He Wanted to Go Out Again but Hasnt Texted

Guy Going Crazy Being Ignored

Man or woman, no one actually LIKES to be ignored however, in the case of "driving a man crazy" purposely or not - there's a problem with playing this type of game:

The guy who is being ignored must actually care, because withdrawing attention or pulling back from a guy who couldn't care less, means you're actually doing him a favor.

You won't be driving him crazy or into your arms, you will only be giving him an easy out and a quicker way to just stop talking to you altogether.

Please ask yourself these very important questions:

  • Why are you considering this tactic?
  • Is it a last-ditch attempt to bring him back?
  • Is it a revenge thing to make him feel like you do?
  • Are you trying to validate how he feels about you?

Is your thought process leading you to think,

"If I ignore him and he gives me more attention, then I know he must really like me?"

In another words, is your attempt to ignore him is in fact being used to illicit a response to prove without any doubt, that he DOES or DOES NOT care about you at all?

If this is happening, you may get the answer you seek, but you'll be altering what comes next in a way that is usually not good and will become irreversible.

With that said, please be careful.

Now that we've taken care of what I felt was important to cover with you, let's move on...

Today's article will give you the main reasons why men will ignore you and the many problems related to it IF you try to ignore him back.

You'll be shown how certain men will respond to it, what it means, why it happens, which guys it will drive CRAZY and the type of guy who you'll drive push away when your attempt to ignore him fails or he finds out you've been doing it purposely.

We've got a lot to cover so let's get right to it start with...

Men ignore women for lots of reasons.

Every one is fully covered and massively detailed in my book:

Why Men Go Silent, Ignore You, Refuse or Won't Share Their Feelings

Today's post will give you the basics and a little more. It may be all you need.

But for the entire story... go here and you can get it all within a few short minutes.

The Six Plus Main Reasons Why Men Go Silent, Ignore You, Refuse or Won't Share Their Feelings

  1. A breakdown in communication.
  2. Different dating or relationship modes.
  3. Projections: Misreading what is really happening.
  4. He's self-centered or narcissistic.
  5. You push him (or men) away.
  6. An Evolutionary male response.

Two more reasons not covered in the book which you can find below are:

  • He's trying not to be needy
  • He's not socially aware

It's important to know WHERE his silence is coming from because you can then predict with better accuracy what will happen and what effect ignoring him will have in the end.

#1: If it's a breakdown in communication any attempt to ignore him will only make things worse.

When we feel helpless and don't know what to do, we often revert to any tactic which can illicit a quick response.

It leads to us to act impulsively and without careful consideration of the results of our actions.

This means if you're already in some form of relationship with him, fixing the breakdown of communication problem between you both requires anything BUT silence.

Taking a passive aggressive stance of ignoring will only further complicate the situation.

When you set a pattern like this to go off on its own, it's very difficult to unwind and stop it after the damage is done.

In most circumstances it WILL drive your boyfriend or husband crazy, but it's unpredictable as to how he will respond.

He'll bury his feelings deeper, do it back to you, withdraw even more until a later time when it all explodes which often happens at the most inconvenient and even more unpredictable moment.

If this IS the case I STRONGLY SUGGEST you get some real help before the problem digs itself in too deep:

#2: If it's Being in different modes - It feels like a relationship to you but to him, you're only casually dating.

Ignoring a man who believes it's casually dating and nothing more only reinforces his assumptions.

It will do little or nothing to change the situation because he's doesn't feel like he's ignoring you and doesn't feel ignored himself.

Making it an "almost" pointless act.

If you're only casually dating a man It's not uncommon to go extended periods of time without any contact. However, when we're in relationship we expect to see and speak with each other everyday.

When the feelings are not mutual, when you're in different "modes", you'll often find silence and withdrawn emotions common, but they're not typically connected to each other.

The good news...

I don't suggest you purposely ignore a guy but if it comes from someplace else and is not necessarily an intentional game, you can open up the "silent man" and draw him closer.

When a man is given the right encouragement, time, and the space to feel something more you can put him in "chase" mode which is where he wants to be anyways...

The bad news...

Ignoring certain men in this case (different modes) can have less than desirable outcomes.

You could drive the less mature man crazy and he will react in negative ways only making the problem worse.

Specifically this guy:

What Type Of Guy Hates Being Ignored and Why?

You could also ruin things with a more mature man if he believes or feels you are playing mind games with him.

Even if it's not your intention.

Be careful and follow the post advice to avoid any problems.

#3: If it's a Projection: You're misreading what is really happening based on your past experiences with men.

"A projection is when someone assumes or predicts a future event based on a past experience."

From Chapter 3: Projections In Dating & Relationships – Not Everything Is Always As It Seems.

Why Men Go Silent, Ignore You, Refuse or Won't Share Their Feelings

If you've been ignored in the past and it didn't turn out good, you may start to look and notice any signs that it's happening again.

Sometimes you'll be right. Sometimes you'll be wrong.

Either way, it will cause you to act in a certain way which will change the outcome regardless of it being right or wrong.

These projections also cause many women to MISREAD a situation and CONNECT things that are not in any way connected.

"Every action or lack of action from a guy isn't always going to be connected to you.

If he's late getting back to you it doesn't automatically mean he's losing interest.

Just because he's hot and cold doesn't mean he isn't attracted to you and is backing out.

Just because he misses a few phone calls or texts doesn't mean he is ignoring you."

Why Men Go Silent, Ignore You, Refuse or Won't Share Their Feelings

Ignoring a man based on false projections often has drastic results.

You won't drive him crazy, you'll push him away and for good.

He will feel like you just don't get him...

How you don't trust him...

How you don't believe him...

He'll start to believe you're playing games with his emotions and no REAL man will allow that to happen to him for any period of time.

The good news...

Everyone projects. It's a human trait with a design purpose of protection and lots of other scientific reasons too.

It can become a major problem if left unchecked or unnoticed.

If you find yourself always predicting events negatively and it appears to be ruining your dating life, such as in assuming you're being ignored when you're really misreading, over-analyzing, or over-thinking your interactions with men then I suggest you take some time to study how to live in the present more.

Here are some posts to get you headed in the right direction:

Moving on...

#4: If it's because he's Self-Centered or Narcissistic ignoring him will have good and/or bad results.

A Good result.

Ignoring this type of "bad guy" keeps you away from him and gives him the chance to leave you alone.

This could help you to see the bigger picture and get yourself to once and for all get rid of a man like this entirely from your life.

Go out and find yourself a real man whose issues are less than destructive:

How To Meet & Attract The Best Man For You

A bad result.

When a man like this feels ignored, he's likely to go from passive aggressive to aggressive because you're playing or hurting his sensitive Ego.

You just might encourage him to do more and draw him back into your life for all the wrong reasons.

He needs to be the center of attention and will do things to make sure that happens.

When it eventually does, most likely through needless drama, the challenge for him disappears and he will too.  Leaving you with more of the same.

Both of these man-types of classically known to ignore women so be careful.

Ignoring them back is NEVER advisable.

Do NOT play by their rules because they are often very good at what they do.

If you're not sure if he's this type or not  subscribe to my newsletter - read my book on the two types of men and you'll find there's enough in it to help you figure it out.

This type of guy is exclusively covered in my book. You get examples and tons of questions to help you figure out if he's either self-centered or narcissistic AND if he's fixable or not:

Why Men Go Silent, Ignore You, Refuse or Won't Share Their Feelings

Let's quickly move on to number five because I don't care to talk about "those" types of guys all too often.

I like to focus on the positive...

#5: If it's that you Push Men Away and you want to ignore him back because you think he's doing it to you...

Whether he is ignoring you or not seems less important than the reality of your situation which can easily be missed.

Think hard about this next statement...

If you choose to ignore him back, what you are actually doing is PUSHING HIM AWAY.

I get it.

You feel like you're being forgotten. His attention towards you is diminishing or practically gone. You feel helpless and confused as to what to do about it.

Based on your past you feel like it's your fault.

He MUST be pulling away because of something you've done, said, or led him to believe, and you could be right.

However - Doing little or nothing or ignoring him the situation will do little to fix it or your relationship with him.

Choosing to ignore a man you've pushed away will only delay YOUR process of learning how to bring a man closer... this time or the next time.

Please consider this next part because it's very important.

Will ignoring a man, fault asides, drive him crazy?


Nothing drives a man more crazy than finding a great woman only to have her self-sabotage or pull back just because she feels ignored.

Nothing drives a man more mad than getting close to someone they really like, miss a phone or text or not give her enough attention, and have her angrily disappear or go silent because she felt ignored.

Enough of this, HEAR ME OUT:

If you fall into this "pushing good men away" category STOP being so damn freaking hard on yourself.

Don't berate yourself. Don't make yourself feel worse for it.

Just DO something about it starting right now!

I give you lots of reasons why it's happening to you in my book and what you can do about it stop it from happening:

Why Men Go Silent, Ignore You, Refuse or Won't Share Their Feelings

Just please keep in mind, it's not the purpose of the book.

Go here and watch this instead:

Moving on...

#6: The Evolutionary male response to being ignored and ignoring women.

I didn't include this section because it's not entirely relevant for today's post.

It's more of a deep look into men, how they became who they are, what and where their silence comes from, and how it's all connected to their emotional withdrawal.

"Whether it's to protect the Ego, feel like more of a man, hide his greatest fears, compartmentalize a problem to better solve it, not understanding how to show love considering the many different forms of love, OR because of a lack of a real positive influence in his life as he grew into maturity...

Silence just seems to work."

Why Men Go Silent, Ignore You, Refuse or Won't Share Their Feelings

Let's move on to the last two reasons covered in today's post...

A guy can ignore a woman purposely or accidently. He could be too busy and wrapped up in his own affairs to notice it's even happening.

It's quite common to get wrapped up in something and lose a sense of time and space.

Above are the common reasons why men go silent and the effect ignoring a guy might have on him depending on the situation.

Below it's more about the TYPE of guy and how he might respond if he's being ignored or "casually" forgotten.

He's ignoring you because he's trying not to appear needy or desperate.

He's a type two guy who is at least "trying"  not to appear needy or desperate for your love and attention... even though he wants it badly.

He wants to keep his attraction to you in check because in the past, he's screwed things up by getting too close way too quick.

Ignoring you seems to be his only solution to solving a problem he doesn't understand how to fix, so he gives it a try.

IF you choose to ignore him back, you will most likely drive up his attraction towards you.

He'll want more of what he feels he can not have and after that, anything goes with him and his actions, so be careful.

This guy is always wrapped up in his own world and misses things around him constantly.

His focus never seems to be in the right place at the right time. It's narrowed to one thing at one time and if you're not in his cross-hairs, it can feel very personal.

He could also be a little selfish and doesn't care much about others to bother.

On the other side, there's s good chance he's socially inept and doesn't realize he's ignoring the people in his life.

Ignoring a guy like this won't drive him crazy because he won't even notice it's even happening.

It becomes a waste of your valuable time.

Ignoring him doesn't help him and it certainly doesn't help you.


Source: https://www.whydoguys.com/will-it-drive-him-crazy-if-you-ignore-him-the-problem-of-ignoring-men/

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